Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Swamp Betony (Swamp Lousewort)
Pedicularis lanceolata   [C-value 9]
Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)
Blooms mid-August - September

The native Swamp Betony is common in our area. It prefers full or partial sun, wet to moist conditions and soil that is not too acidic. Habitats include swamps, fens, seeps and springs in both sunny and wooded areas. This perennial is 1–2½' tall and unbranched or sparingly branched toward the apex. The leaves are up to 5" long and 1¼" across, mostly opposite, lance shaped, hairless and thick-textured. The shallow lobes of the leaves are crenate along their margins giving them a fern-like appearance. The central stem terminates in a short spike (up to 4" long) of flowers that are densely arranged along the spike. Each cream-white flower is about ¾" long with an upper lip in the shape of a curved hood giving the flower a bird beak appearance.




Swamp Betony at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 4, 2013












Swamp Betony at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 4, 2013












Swamp Betony foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve fen August 8, 2017












Swamp Betony at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 16, 2017












Swamp Betony seed head at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 25, 2017









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