Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Tall Anemone (Thimbleweed)
Anemone virginiana   [C-value 5]
Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)
Blooms June - July

The native Tall Anemone is common in our area. It prefers light shade to full sun and soil with some organic material to retain moisture. Habitats include savannas, open woodlands and woodland borders. This lovely perennial is about 1-2½' tall. The leaves occur in 1 or 2 whorls along the stem, usually in groups of 2 or 3. They are up to 5" long and across with 2 or 3 deep lobes which are in turn divided into 2 or 3 shallower lobes. From the upper leaf axil there occasionally develops a long stalk with a single white 5-petaled flower about ¾" across. The fertilized flower is later replaced by a green seed head with a prickly "thimble" appearance that becomes ¾–1" long and up to ½" across and eventually turns into a fluffy mass with numerous dark seeds.




Tall Anemone at Richard Young Forest Preserve June 18, 2013









Tall Anemone at Lyon Forest Preserve July 6, 2013

Tall Anemone foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve June 15, 2015




Tall Anemone seedhead ("thimble") at Lyon Forest Preserve July 21, 2014












Tall Anemone "thimbles" at Baker Woods Forest Preserve September 3, 2013









Tall Anemone seed heads at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014

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