Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Virgin's Bower (Woodbine)
Clematis virginiana   [C-value 4]
Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)
Blooms mid-July - August

The native Virgin's Bower is rare in our area. It prefers partial sun, and slightly moist fertile soil that is loamy or silty. Habitats include edges of woodlands, moist thickets, moist meadows and banks of streams. This perennial woody vine grows up to 20' long and can twine about bushes and trees. The opposite leaves are up to 4" long and 2" across and usually trifoliate. Occasionally, flat-headed panicles of white flowers are produced from the axils of the leaves. Each panicle can span several inches across. A single vine can produce all male flowers, all female flowers, or all perfect flowers (both male & female). Individual flowers are about ¾" across with 4 white sepals. The male flowers quickly wither away, but each female or perfect flower develops a cluster of pubescent achenes with slender curving-around styles (up to 2" long) with a silky frilly appearance. Each achene contains a single large seed. 

Virgin's Bower at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015

Virgin's Bower along Fox River Drive August 8, 2017

Virgin's Bower foliage at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015

Virgin's Bower vine tip at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015

Virgin's Bower immature seed clusters at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015

Virgin's Bower maturing seed clusters at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015

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