Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Water Pepper (Marsh Waterpepper)
Persicaria hydropiper
Knotweed family (Polygonaceae
Blooms August - September

The non-native (Eurasia) Water Pepper is common in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and wet or mucky soil with abundant organic material. Habitats include soggy openings in woodlands, soggy alluvial meadows, seeps and edges of rivers and ponds. It is an annual, about 1-2' tall, branching occasionally and has a tendency to sprawl and lean on adjacent plants for support. The alternate leaves are up to 3½" long and ¾" across, lance-shaped, untoothed and usually hairless. The upper stems terminate in spike-like racemes of flowers, about 1½–3" long, slender with sparsely distributed flowers and often nod at their tips or droop sideways. Each greenish white flower is about 1/8" long with of 5 sepals light green toward the base, becoming white toward the upper edge and usually have a bud-like shape.

Water Pepper at Richard Young Forest Preserve September 17, 2013

Water Pepper at Richard Young Forest Preserve September 17, 2013




Water Pepper at Richard Young Forest Preserve September 17, 2013









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