Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

White Turtlehead
Chelone glabra linifolia   [C-value 3]
Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)
Blooms mid-August - September

The native White Turtlehead is uncommon in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and wet to moist fertile soil containing organic matter. Habitats include open woodlands and thickets in floodplain areas, seeps, marshes and fens. This perennial is about 2-3' tall and mostly unbranched. The central stem is 4-angled with pairs of opposite leaves that rotate 90° from the pair below. The stem terminates in a dense spike of white flowers about 3-6" in length, blooming from the bottom to the top. Each flower is about 1¼" long, consisting of a 2-lipped white corolla, a green calyx with 5 oval teeth, a slender white style, and 5 hairy stamens. The tubular corolla is somewhat flattened at the mouth, where it is more wide than tall. The upper lip of the corolla functions as a protective ("turtle") hood, while the lower lip functions as a landing pad for visiting insects.




White Turtlehead at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen September 16, 2017












White Turtlehead at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen September 16, 2017












White Turtlehead at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen September 18, 2012












White Turtlehead at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen August 31, 2015












White Turtlehead foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen August 29, 2014









White Turtlehead (and Spotted Joe Pye Weed) at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen August 31, 2015




White Turtlehead fall seedheads at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014








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