Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

White Wild Indigo (White False Indigo)
Baptisia leucantha   [C-value 8]
Bean family (Fabaceae)
Blooms June - July

The native White Wild Indigo is rare in our area. It prefers full sun and moist to slightly dry soil. Habitats include moist to dry black soil prairies, thickets, edges of marshes and limestone glades. This perennial is about 3-6' tall forming an erect, sparsely branched bush. The stout central stem and upper side stems are smooth and the compound leaves are trifoliate, usually grayish green or blue green, and hairless. Each oval-shaped untoothed leaflet is about 2" long and ¾" across. The white pea-like flowers (about 1" long) occur in erect spike-like racemes up to 2' long and are quite showy. The flowers are replaced by large oblong seedpods about 2" long, initially green, but later turning black.




White Wild Indigo at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 10, 2015











White Wild Indigo at Subat Forest Preserve June 16, 2015









White Wild Indigo at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 24, 2013









White Wild Indigo at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015




White Wild Indigo (with Red-wing Blackbirds) at Subat Forest Preserve June 16, 2015












White Wild Indigo at Subat Forest Preserve June 16, 2015












White Wild Indigo immature seedpods at Jay Woods Forest Preserve July 17, 2015












White Wild Indigo mature seedpods at Jay Woods Forest Preserve November 3, 2014









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