Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wild Cucumber
Echinocystis lobata   [C-value 5]
Cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae)
Blooms August - September

The native Wild Cucumber is uncommon in our area. It prefers part shade and moist soil. Habitats include openings or borders in moist woodlands, thickets and stream banks. It is an annual vine that can grow to 10' long. Its leaves, up to 7" across, are nearly as wide as they are long. They have 5 triangular lobes and a shape similar to a maple leaf. Wild Cucumber has both male and female flowers on the same plant. Erect clusters of male flowers occur on 4-8" long stalks at leaf axils near the end of the vine. Individual flowers are ½ inch across, with 6 narrow greenish white petals. One (or few) short stalked female flowers occur at the base of the male flower stalk. They are similar to the male flowers but have spiny ovaries beneath their petals.

Wild Cucumber at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015

Wild Cucumber vine on a tree at Subat Forest Preserve August 14, 2013

Wild Cucumber at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015




A cluster of intertwining vines of Wild Cucumber at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015








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