Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wild Licorice (Licorice Bedstraw)
Galium circaezans   [C-value 10]
Madder family (Rubiaceae)
Blooms June

The native Wild Licorice is common in our area. It prefers dappled sunlight to medium shade and slightly moist loamy or rocky soil with some decaying organic matter. Habitats include deciduous woodlands, bluffs, woodland borders and areas along woodland paths. This perennial is ¾–2' tall with erect square stems sometimes branched at the base. At intervals along the stems are whorls of 4 lance-shaped leaves up to 2½" long and 1" across. Each major stem terminates in a branching inflorescence with a few tiny flowers about 1/8" across with a greenish white or greenish yellow corolla.




Wild Licorice at Millbrook North Forest Preserve June 20, 2014









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