Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wood Anemone
Anemone quinquefolia   [C-value 7]
Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)
Blooms mid-April - May

The native Wood Anemone is rare in our area. It prefers part shade or shade in rich undisturbed woodlands. It is a perennial, 4-8" tall, with trifoliate compound leaves. The leaflets are covered in fine hairs and are up to 1 1/2" long, coarsely toothed and lobed into 2 or 3 parts. A whorl of 3 stalked leaves sits at the top of the stem with the flower stalk arising from the center with a single flower. The flower is about 1" across with 4-9 (usually 5) white petal-like sepals.




Wood Anemone at Millbrook North Forest Preserve May 7, 2014









Wood Anemone at Lyon Forest Preserve April 26, 2015

Wood Anemone at Lyon Forest Preserve April 26, 2015

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