Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wood Avens (White Avens)
Geum canadense   [C-value 1]
Rose family (Rosaceae)
Blooms June - mid-August

The native Wood Avens is a common in our area. It prefers light shade or partial sun and moist to slightly dry loam or clay-loam soil. Habitats include woodland trails and borders, thickets and partially shaded seeps. This perennial is 1½–2½' tall and branching occasionally with round stems. In the spring, a low rosette (up to 6" across) develops of basal leaves that are trifoliate (3 leaflets) with odd-pinnate leaflets on stout petioles up to 1" long. The lower alternate leaves along the stems are trifoliate and the upper ones are usually simple. The leaflets are up to 4" long and 3" across, coarsely toothed and often cleft into 3 major lobes. Each upper stem often terminates in a cluster of 1-3 flowers on peduncles up to 3" long. Each flower is about ½" across with 5 bright white petals, 5 triangular green sepals, and numerous stamens surrounding a cluster of green carpels with elongated styles. Each flower is replaced by a round fruit (bur), about 1/2" across, of achenes that are hooked at their tips.





Wood Avens at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015








Wood Avens foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve June 6, 2015





Wood Avens at Baker Woods Forest Preserve July 9, 2013












Wood Avens at Lyon Forest Preserve July 20, 2013








Wood Avens at Millbrook North Forest Preserve June 20, 2014 (view from above)

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