Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Bird's-foot Trefoil (Butter and Eggs)
Lotus corniculatus
Bean family (Fabaceae
Blooms mid-June - mid-August

The non-native (European) Bird's-foot Trefoil is uncommon in our area. It is an invasive that keeps trying to move into our natural areas. It prefers full or partial sun, average levels of moisture, and a loam or clay-loam soil. Habitats include fields, pastures, roadside embankments, slopes of drainage ditches and weedy corners of parks. This perennial is ½–2' tall, branching occasionally with alternate compound  trifoliate leaves with an additional pair of leaflets where the petiole joins the stem. Each leaflet is up to ¾" long and half as much across. In the upper part of the plant, umbels of 3–12 pea-like bright yellow flowers are produced on long stalks. The flowers are about ½" long with 5 petals.

Bird's Foot Trefoil at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015

Bird's Foot Trefoil at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015




Bird's Foot Trefoil at Jay Woods Forest Preserve July 12, 2012












Bird's Foot Trefoil at Jay Woods Forest Preserve July 12, 2012









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