Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod (Wreath Goldenrod)
Solidago caesia   [C-value 7]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms September - mid-October

The native Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod is rare in our area. It prefers medium shade to partial sun and moist to slightly moist soil containing loam, clay-loam, or some rocky material. Habitats include woodland openings, slopes of ravines, and rocky cliffs in shaded or partially shaded areas. This perennial is 1½–3' tall and unbranched (usually) with a central stem becoming burgundy-gray with age. The alternate leaves are up to 5" long and ¾" across, lance-shaped and toothed with a prominent central vein. Small clusters of 1-12 flowers occur at the axils of the upper leaves and the central stem may terminate in a panicle of flowers up to 3" long and 1½" across. Each flower is about 1/8" across on a short pedicel and has 4-5 golden yellow ray florets that surround a similar number of disk florets.


Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 4, 2013




Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Richard Young Forest Preserve September 22, 2014












Blue-stemmed Goldenrod foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 16, 2017












Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 16, 2017












Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Richard Young Forest Preserve September 22, 2014









Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 16, 2017





Blue-stemmed Goldenrod at Lyon Forest Preserve fen September 16, 2017








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