Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Brown-Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia triloba   [C-value 3]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms August - September

The native Brown-Eyed Susan is uncommon in our area. It prefers full to partial sun, moist to medium moist and fertile loamy soil. Habitats include black soil prairies, thickets, savannas, meadows and openings in wooded areas, riverbanks and edges of fens. It is a biennial (or short-lived perennial), up to 5' tall, branching at the leaf axils and becoming bushy at maturity. The stems are dark red with white hairs and alternate lance-shaped rough (hairy) leaves, up to 4" long and 2" across. Some of the lower leaves are divided into three lobes. Upper stems terminate in 1-2 flowers, about 1½-2" across, consisting of 6-12 bright yellow ray florets surrounding a dark brown cone of disk florets.

Brown-Eyed Susan at Hoover Forest Preserve September 28, 2014

Brown-Eyed Susan at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 9, 2017

Brown-Eyed Susan upper leaves at Hoover Forest Preserve September 28, 2014

Brown-Eyed Susan at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 22, 2015 (lower lobed leaves)





Brown-Eyed Susan at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 12, 2017








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