Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Dandelion (Common Dandelion)
Taraxacum officinale
Aster family (Asteraceae
Blooms March - November

The non-native (European) Dandelion is very common in our area. It prefers full sunlight medium moist soil with loam or clay-loam.  Habitats include lawns, gardens, degraded meadows, vacant lots, and sunny areas along roads and railroads. This perennial  has a rosette of basal leaves and occasional flowering stalks. The basal leaves are up to 10" long and 2½" across with triangular lobes. From the center of the rosette, one or more flowering stalks are produced up to 12" tall. Each slender stalk has a single yellow flowerhead about 1-2" across with 150-200 yellow ray florets

Dandelion at Harris Forest Preserve June 1, 2013




Dandelion along Minkler Road May 5, 2015









Dandelion (and Blue Violet) at Millbrook South Forest Preserve May 4, 2013




Dandelion mature seed head along Minkler Road May 5, 2015









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