Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Early Goldenrod
Solidago juncea   [C-value 5]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms July - mid-September

The native Early Goldenrod is uncommon in our area. It prefers full to partial sun and medium moist to slightly dry conditions. Habitats include black soil prairies, oak savannas, thickets and open areas of rocky upland woods. This perennial is up to 3 1/2' tall and unbranched. The alternate lance-shaped leaves are up to 8" long and 1½" across, becoming smaller as they ascend up the stem. Above their axils along the central stem are small wing-like leaflets. The inflorescence occurs at the apex as a panicle of flowering stems that often arch upward and outward like a fireworks display. There are numerous yellow composite flowers, each about ¼" across with 4 to 12 ray florets around the disk florets

Early Goldenrod at Oswego Pres. Church Monarch Waystation July 8, 2017




Early Goldenrod at Oswego Pres. Church Monarch Waystation August 6, 2017












Early Goldenrod foliage at Oswego Pres. Church Monarch Waystation August 6, 2017












Early Goldenrod at Subat Forest Preserve August 8, 2017









Early Goldenrod and other native plants at Oswego Pres. Church Monarch Waystation August 6, 2017

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