Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Field Mustard (Rape Mustard)
Brassica rapa
Mustard family (Brassicaceae
Blooms mid-April - October

The non-native (Eurasia) Field Mustard prefers full sunlight, moist to dry conditions and soil containing loam or gravelly material. Habitats include cropland, weedy fields and gravelly roadsides. This annual or biennial is 1-3' tall with much branching in the upper half. Plants that emerge in the fall develop low rosette with basal leaves, while plants that emerge in the spring bolt upward almost immediately. Both the basal and lower leaves can be up to 10" long and 2" across. The upper alternate lance-shaped leaves are smaller and clasp their stems. The upper stems terminate in racemes of bright yellow flowers 1/3–1/2" across with 4 petals.




Field Mustard at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve June 29, 2013


Field Mustard is labeled 'Noxious Weed' in Michigan.







Field Mustard at Hoover Forest Preserve July 20, 2015




Field Mustard along Minkler Road May 5, 2015












Field Mustard at Millbrook South Forest Preserve July 19, 2012












Field Mustard foliage along Minkler Road May 5, 2015









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