Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Giant Sunflower (Tall Sunflower)
Helianthus giganteus   [C-value 9]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms August - September

The native Giant Sunflower is rare in our area and is on the Illinois Endangered Species List. It prefers full sun, wet to moist conditions, and sandy soil. Habitats include wet sand prairies, calcareous fens and sedge meadows. This perennial is 3-9' tall with reddish purple stems covered with spreading white hairs. The relatively narrow lance-shaped leaves are 3-7" long and ½-1½" across tapering gradually into acute tips. The upper stems terminate in one or more flowers about 2-3" across on peduncles up to 6" long. Each flower has 10-20 yellow ray florets surrounding a dense circular cluster of yellow disk florets.




Giant Sunflower at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015












Giant Sunflower at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015









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