Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Hairy Sunflower (Stiff-Hair Sunflower)
Helianthus hirsutus   [C-value 5]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms July - September

The native Hairy Sunflower is uncommon in our area. It prefers full or partial sun, medium to dry soil.  Habitats include thinly wooded bluffs, upland savannas, borders of upland woodlands, black soil prairies and roadsides. This perennial is 2½-5' tall and usually unbranched with a central stem that is often reddish purple and covered with stiff hairs. Pairs of opposite leaves occur along the central stem that are 2½-6" long and ½-2½" across, narrowly lance-shaped on short petioles and rough with minute stiff hairs. The central stem terminates in flowers on erect stalks 1-4" long. The widely-spreading flowers are 2-3" across with 10-15 bright yellow ray florets surrounding numerous yellow disk florets.




Hairy Sunflower at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 19, 2017











Hairy Sunflower foliage at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 19, 2017








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