Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Indian Strawberry (Mock Strawberry)
Duchesnea indica
Rose family (Rosaceae
Blooms mid-May - September

The non-native (Asian) Indian Strawberry is uncommon in our area. It prefers partial sunlight, fertile soil, and moist to slightly dry conditions. Habitats include open semi-shaded situations in meadows or roadsides. This low growing perennial has 3-parted basal leaves on long stems that develop from the root crown. Each blunt-tipped leaflet spans ¾–1¾" in length and ½–1¼" across and is coarsely toothed. The crown also produces one or more flowering stalks, each with a single yellow flower about ¾" across with 5 yellow petals, 5 green sepals and green spreading bract underneath each flower. Each flower is replaced by a bright red fruit about ½" across with small red seeds scattered across its surface.

Indian Strawberry at Orchard & Budlong Road June 13, 2015

The non-native Indian Strawberry resembles native Wild Strawberry except its flowers are yellow rather than white.

Indian Strawberry blooms and fruits at Orchard & Budlong Road June 13, 2015

Indian Strawberry fruits and foliage at Orchard & Budlong Road June 13, 2015

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