Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Lance-leaved Coreopsis (Lanceleaf Tickseed)
Coreopsis lanceolata   [C-value 5]
Aster family (Asteraceae
Blooms mid-May - July

The native Lance-leaved Coreopsis is rare in our area. It prefers full sun and medium-moist to dry poor soil. Habitats include medium-moist to dry prairies, hill prairies, limestone glades, and roadsides. Fertile shoots of this perennial are 1½–3' tall with erect stems and pairs of opposite leaves along the lower half of the plant. The leaves are usually 1-4" long, untoothed and lanced-shaped. The stems terminate in solitary flowers on long naked stalks up to 12" long. Each flower spans 2-3" across with about 8 bright yellow ray florets surrounding a dense head of numerous yellow disk florets.

Lance-leaved Coreopsis at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 10, 2013

Lance-leaved Coreopsis at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015

Lance-Leaved Coreopsis at Maramech Forest Preserve June 10, 2013




Lance-leaved Coreopsis foliage at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015












Lance-leaved Coreopsis at Jay Woods Forest Preserve May 27, 2012











Lance-leaved Coreopsis foliage at Jay Woods Forest Preserve July 12, 2012








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