Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Meadow Parsnip (Purple Meadowparsnip)
Thaspium trifoliatum var. flavum   [C-value 7]
Family (Apiaceae)
Blooms mid-May - June

The native Meadow Parsnip is rare in our area. It prefers full sun to light shade, medium moisture, and grows in practically any soil. Habitats include upland woodlands, rocky bluffs, woodland borders, prairies, and roadsides. This perenniall is 1-3' tall and branching with alternate compound trifoliate leaves with lance-shaped leaflets 1-2" long. The few basal leaves are 1-4" long and oval-shaped on petioles 1-4" long. The upper stems terminate in rounded compound umbels of flowers 1-3" across with 6-12 floral stalks terminating in small umbellets of flowers. Each umbellet has 5-12 short floral stalks terminating in individual flowers only 1/8" across with 5 tiny yellow petals. 



Meadow Parsnip at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 6, 2014

Meadow Parsnip has two variations - Yellow and Purple. This is obviously the Yellow (var. flavum).











Meadow Parsnip foliage at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 6, 2014









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