Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Moneywort (Creeping Jenny)
Lysimachia nummularia
Primrose family (Primulaceae
Blooms June - July

The non-native (European) Moneywort is common in our area. It is an invasive that keeps trying to move into our natural areas. It prefers full sun to light shade, moist conditions, and a fertile lloamy soil. Habitats include seeps, fens, woodland borders, thickets and moist areas of black soil prairies. This perennial is a non-climbing vine up to 3' long that freely branches at the base. The opposite leaves are about 1–1½" across, orbicular-shaped and toothless on short (¼" long) petioles. Single yellow flowers occur on a short pedicels at leaf axils. Each flower is about 1" across with 5 yellow petals.

 Moneywort at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 20, 2012

Moneywort foliage at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 20, 2012

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