Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Mullein Foxglove
Dasistoma macrophylla   [C-value 8]
Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae)
Blooms mid-July - August

The native Mullein Foxglove is uncommon in our area. It prefers partial sun and medium to dry moisture. Habitats include paths through woodlands, thinly wooded bluffs, woodland borders and rocky slopes along streams. This summer annual is 2-6' tall and branching regularly from the central stem. The opposite leaves are up to 12" and 4" across, becoming smaller as they ascend the stems. The lower leaves are 5-lobed and coarsely toothed, while the upper leaves are lance-shaped and untoothed. The upper stems terminate in spike-like racemes (½–3' long) of yellow flowers. Each open flower is about ½" long, consisting of a yellow tubular corolla with 5 spreading petals with its throat partially obstructed by an abundance of fine yellow hairs.




Mullien Foxglove along the Fox River July 31, 2017











Mullien Foxglove (with one open bloom) along the Fox River July 31, 2017









Mullien Foxglove along the Fox River July 31, 2017












Mullien Foxglove along the Fox River July 31, 2017









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