Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Stiff Goldenrod
Oligoneuron rigidum (Solidago rigidum)   [C-value 4]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms August - September

The native Stiff Goldenrod is common in our area. It prefers full sun and moist to slightly dry conditions. Habitats include moist to slightly dry black soil prairies, savannas, thickets and open areas along railroads. This perennial is 2-5' tall and unbranched with a stout central stem covered with fine white hairs. The lowest leaves are up to 10" long and 5" wide. The higher (alternate) leaves are much smaller and lance-shaped with blunt tips. At the apex of the central stem is a corymb (2-4" across) of small bright yellow flowers, each ¼–½" across.

Stiff Goldenrod at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 27, 2014




Stiff Goldenrod at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 28, 2013












Stiff Goldenrod stem and upper leaves at Millbrook South Forest Preserve September 15, 2012










Stiff Goldenrod basal leaves at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 27, 2014












Painted Lady (and other pollinators) on Stiff Goldenrod at Jay Woods Forest Preserve August 29, 2013












Stiff Goldenrod fall seed heads at Jay Woods Forest Preserve November 3, 2014








The leaves and blossoms of Stiff Goldenrod have been found to be effective as an antiseptic, astringent and to stop bleeding. It has long been a valuable remedy in the treatment of all kinds of hemorrhages. The flowers were ground into a lotion and used by Native Americans to treat bee stings. Reminder: see our Do Not Disturb Notice.

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