Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Sulfur Cinquefoil (Upright Cinquefoil)
Potentilla recta
Rose family (Rosaceae
Blooms mid-May - September

The non-native (Eurasia) Sulfur Cinquefoil is common in our area. It prefers partial to full sun and slightly dry to dry soil containing loam, clay, sand, or gravel. Habitats include limestone glades, pastures, abandoned fields and gravelly areas along roads and railroads. This perennial is 1–2½' tall and branching with hairy stems and alternate palmately compound leaves. The lower leaves have 5-9 leaflets and long petioles, while upper leaves have 3-5 leaflets and short petioles. The leaflets are coarsely toothed, green to grayish green and hairy. The upper stems terminate in flat-topped clusters of flowers. Each flower is about ¾" across with 5 pale yellow to yellow petals.

Sulfur Cinquefoil at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 13, 2015

Sulfur Cinquefoil at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 13, 2015




Sulfur Cinquefoil foliage at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 13, 2015








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