Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Tall Agrimony (Tall Hairy Agrimony)
Agrimonia gryposepala   [C-value 2]
Rose family (Rosaceae)
Blooms July - mid-September

The native Tall Agrimony is common in our area. It prefers partial sun and moist to slightly dry loamy soil. Habitats include upland woodlands, upland savannas, thickets, swamps, woodland borders and areas along woodland paths. This perennial is 2-4' tall with hairy stems and alternate compound leaves toward its base that are widely spreading and odd-pinnate with 3-11 primary leaflets (up to 4" long and 2¼" across) with 1-4 pairs of secondary leaflets (less than ½" in length) inserted between the primary leaflets. Long spike-like flower racemes occur at the top of the stems. The flowers are 1/4-1/3" across with 5 oval yellow petals and 5 to 10 yellow stamens with yellow to orange tips.

 Tall Agrimony at Lyon Forest Preserve July 22, 2015



Tall Agrimony at Baker Woods Forest Preserve July 9, 2013










Tall Agrimony foliage at Baker Woods Forest Preserve July 9, 2013

Tall Agrimony at Lyon Forest Preserve August 2, 2015

Tall Agrimony fall seed heads at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014



Tall Agrimony fall foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014










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