Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Tall Coreopsis (Tall Tickseed)
Coreopsis tripteris   [C-value 5]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms mid-July - September

The native Tall Coreopsis is uncommon in our area. It prefers full to partial sun and medium-moist conditions. Habitats include black soil prairies, savannas, thickets, edges of seeps, thinly wooded bluffs and roadsides. This perennial is 3-8' tall and unbranched, except for flowering stems along the upper one-half of its length. Its opposite leaves are compound odd-pinnate with 3 or 5 leaflets up to 5" long and ¾" across, linear-elliptic to elliptic in shape and toothless on petioles up to 1½" long. The upper stems terminate in solitary to cyme-like clusters of flowers on stalks up to 10" long. Each flower is 1½–2" across with 8 widely spreading yellow ray florets surrounding a dense head of numerous dark purple to reddish-brown disk florets.

 Tall Coreopsis at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 28, 2013




Tall Coreopsis at Subat Forest Preserve August 14, 2013












Tall Coreopsis foliage at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 28, 2013












Tall Coreopsis at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015











Tall Coreopsis (8' tall) at Subat Forest Preserve August 14, 2013









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