Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wild Lettuce (‎Canada Lettuce)
Lactuca canadensis   [C-value 2]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms mid-June - August

The native Wild Lettuce is common in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and moist to slightly moist conditions. Habitats include black soil prairies, openings in woodlands, savannas, pastures and  neglected areas. This biennial is usually unbranched and 3-8' tall. The alternate leaves are up to 10" long and 3" across. The largest leaves have deep pinnate lobes. The small dandelion-like flowers occur in a narrow panicle up to 2' long at the apex of the plant. Each flower is about 1/2" across, consisting of 12-25 ray florets that are yellow or slightly reddish orange (and no disk florets). 

Wild Lettuce at Subat Forest Preserve July 1, 2013




Wild Lettuce along Route 71 July 4, 2012













Wild Lettuce upper leaves at Subat Forest Preserve July 1, 2013












Wild Lettuce lower leaves at Subat Forest Preserve August 26, 2015












Wild Lettuce near Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 25, 2013








Wild Lettuce near Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 25, 2013




Wild Lettuce at Richard Young Forest Preserve August 3, 2012












Wild Lettuce seed heads at Subat Forest Preserve September 2, 2013








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