Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wingstem (Yellow Ironweed)
Verbesina alternifolia (Actinomeris alternifolia)   [C-value 5]
Asteraceae (Aster family)
Blooms August - September

The native Wingstem is common in our area. It prefers full sun to light shade and moist to slightly moist fertile soil high in organic matter. Habitats include moist prairies, moist meadows near woodlands, moist woodland openings and borders, floodplain forests and partially shaded seeps. This perennial is 3-8' tall with an erect central stem and unbranched except near the apex where the inflorescence occurs. It is usually winged, with long white hairs between the ridges. The alternate leaves are up to 10" long and 2½" across, elliptic or lance-shaped and slightly toothed. The upper stem terminates in a dome-shaped panicle of flowers having a ragged appearance. Each daisy-like flower is 1-2" across with numerous disk florets surrounded by 2-10 yellow ray florets.




Wingstem at Millbrook South Forest Preserve August 28, 2013









Wingstem at Lyon Forest Preserve August 25, 2013




Wingstem (early flower buds) at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 8, 2018












Wingstem foliage (winged stems) at Maramech Forest Preserve August 14, 2013








Wingstem (with wonderful spider) at Shuh Shuh Gah Canoe Launch August 28, 2013




Wingstem along trail at Lyon Forest Preserve August 26, 2014












Wingstem fall seedheads at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014









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