Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Yellow Goat's Beard (Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon)
Tragopogon pratensis
Aster family (Asteraceae
Blooms mid-May - July

The non-native Yellow Goat's Beard is common in our area. It likes full sun, average to above average levels of moisture, and a fertile loam soil. Habitats include weedy meadows near woodlands, areas along roads and railroads, vacant lots, and miscellaneous disturbed areas. This biennial plant is a low-growing rosette in the 1st year. In the 2nd year, it sends up one or more flowering stems 1-3' tall. The cauline leaves alternate sparingly and become smaller as they ascend the stems. They are up to 12" long and 1" across, linear and smooth along the margins. Each stem terminates in a long naked stalk bearing a single flowerhead. Each flowerhead is about 2" across consisting of numerous yellow ray florets and about 8 green floral lance-shaped bracts. The ray florets spread outward from the center of the flowerhead; the outer florets are noticeably longer than the inner florets.

Yellow Goat's Beard at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve May 29, 2019




Yellow Goat's Beard foliage at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve May 29, 2019












Yellow Goat's Beard at Rose Hill Subdivision June 29, 2013

The flowerheads open up during the morning and close again by the afternoon; hence its other name 'Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon'. 






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