Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Yellow Pond Lily (Spatterdock)
Nuphar advena   [C-value 7]
Water Lily family (Nymphaeaceae)
Blooms mid-May - mid-September

The native Yellow Pond Lily is uncommon in our area. It is an emergent aquatic requiring about 1-5' of water and a muddy bottom. Habitats include ponds and shallow areas along slow-moving streams. This perennial aquatic has leaf blades 6-12" long and 4-8" wide that are usually held several inches above the water, although some may float on the water's surface. The leaf blades are cordate-ovate in shape, untoothed and divided into two basil lobes where its petiole joins the blade. Individual flowers are produced from stout pedicels that emerge a few inches above the water. The globoid flower buds are covered with 3 outer sepals that open up slightly to reveal a yellow flower 1-3" across with 3 yellow overlapping inner sepals forming a cup-like structure nearly hiding a number of small yellow petals around a yellow compound pistil.

Yellow Pond Lily in Blackberry Creek at  Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 5, 2013

Yellow Pond Lily in Blackberry Creek at  Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 5, 2013

Yellow Pond Lily in Blackberry Creek at  Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve June 5, 2013

Yellow Pond Lily along Blackberry Creek at  Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 12, 2013

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