Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Yellow Sweet Clover
Melilotus officinalis
Bean family (Fabacea
Blooms mid-May - September

The non-native (Eurasia) Yellow Sweet Clover is common (unfortunately) in our area. It is an invasive that keeps trying to move in to our natural areas. It prefers full or partial sun and moist to slightly dry soil. Habitats include fallow fields, vacant lots and roadsides. This annual or biennial is 2-5' tall, branching and bushy with a few alternate compound leaves, each with 3 narrow oblong leaflets about ¾" long and ¼" across. Spike-like raceme of yellow flowers are produced from the axils of the middle to upper leaves. Each raceme is up to 6" long with dozens of somewhat drooping yellow flowers. Each flower is about 1/3" long with 5 yellow petals and a tubular light green calyx




Yellow Sweet Clover at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 20, 2015









Except for the color, Yellow Sweet Clover is very similar to White Sweet Clover.




Yellow Sweet Clover at Maramech Forest Preserve July 7, 2016












Yellow Sweet Clover at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 20, 2015












Yellow Sweet Clover foliage at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 20, 2015









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